Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Comments plz, ppl?

Sorry I didn't update again yesterday. I missed you all! Please comment on my Blog!

Today's Poll:
Are you going to comment?
Yes - score 500 points.
No - deduct 500 points.
Maybe - score 10 points, deduct 20 points, score 3 points, deduct 5 points, score 100 points, deduct 70 points, score 5.1683 points and deduct 2.444437 points, score 3.14159285359 points, deduct this number divided by 3.14159285359 % of it. Take the equation and repeat calculation process 10 times for your score. Then, times by 3.1415926535999999...
I don't know - deduct 5,000,000,000,000 (5,000,000,000,000 amount of 000's) points.

Over 100 points: You are awesome!
0-100 points: You are doing okay as long as you end up commenting. Then you'll get 5000 extra points.
Below 0 points: You are, well, NOT! Post your comments to change your embarrassing situation! Then you're awesome!

Update on my life:
I have been on a posting binge all day on, well, this forum thingy. I just came back from my violin lesson. My life is bored @ the moment.
Oh yes. My friend sent me an e-mail today with this massive convo attached. So yeah. Looks like I wouldn't have that much to Blog until something exciting happens, which would be, like, forever from now. School doesn't start until next week. Oh yes, school. We're getting this massive Community & Service project next term. And I have tons of concerts and stuff to participate in. Looks like I won't have much time to manage this Blog, so i better post a lot now!
Here's my story of two little alien characters and me, using a writing exercise:

Your main character has invited you to lunch. Where does he/she meet you?

Whackoko and Alphabetta were undercover aliens sent to Earth to search for the mystery Solar gems formed by pure solar heat to take back to their home galaxy Andromeda Spiral for further investigation about our Sun, the only star in a million lightyears from theirs that supports life. Whackoko, resembling a small, cute, rainbow-coloured panda-raccoon (or raccoon-panda?) with a fat, rounded torso and short, brown limbs, was off to the other side of the planet today to complete their mission. Alphabetta resembled a normal young girl with bright red hair with freckles and small, round eyes. She sort of looked beautiful to me, even. She called to meet me, the only Earth inhabitant to know this secret.
I was at Joe's coffee house at exactly 1 pm. It was cloudy and rainy, drizzling outside, but still warm. I looked around for her eye-catching long, flowing hair and pretty pink clothes. I saw her at the corner of the coffee house, carrying a tray with cappuccinos (fatty sweet sugary) and some burgers and fries from the fast food store nearby. She wore a cute lacy top and a pink miniskirt, to hide from other ignorant humans (i.e. not me) that she wasn't coming to talk about something important.
'Over here,' I called. On hearing that, Alphabetta came over to me with her food. 'Where's your lunch, HappyGirl?' she asked.
'Oh, I already had mine,' I replied, 'I don't like eating while discussing important things.'
'We can't let them hear what we're going to talk about,' Alphabetta eyed the passing customers suspiciously, 'this mission is top secret.'
'Should we talk through our minds?' I suggested.
So we did. In the eyes of passers, we were just sitting opposite each other silently, but we were actually in the middle of a serious conversation. So I knew that Whackoko was a naughty, curious 'little kids stereotype', and now that he was on his own, Alphabetta was really worried about him. He sure could disguise as an animal, but what if he does begin speaking? She needed to find him urgently. She asked me if they could hide at my house. 'This is a very important mission,' she announced solemnly, 'it is the first step to accomplish a bridge of harmonious friendship between the Andromeda Spiral and the Milky Way.'
I couldn't agree more.

Two of your characters have to change a flat tire, in the rain.
Alphabetta has finally found Whackoko, her alien little pet, who told her that he has found one piece of the Solar gem.
'We better get going,' Alphabetta urged, 'if the humans find us taking away resources from their planet, they won't ever give up on us.' And on saying that, they both jumped into HappyGirl's little red car, and drove off down the highway back into town.
'Oh *!' Alphabetta sweared this dirty human word HappyGirl taught her.
'What's wrong?' asked Whackoko, who sat in the seat next to her.
'Flat tire, dang,' she replied angrily, hopping out of the car, with Whackoko following her.
'Year 2200 and humans still invent cars with tires that can go flat?' Whackoko groaned.
'Well, they're starting to have better weapons for sure,' Alphabetta answered as she knelt down to take the flat tire off. The freezing rain poured on her back endlessly, hitting it rhythmically like beating a drum, and making her hair so wet they were draping all over her body.
'Weapons? You mean them?' Whackoko turned around frightfully, looking at the black shadows flying towards them like arrows.
Alphabetta stood up, looked forward, and froze. Humanoid robots! The government security must have sent those to attack them! Her predictions were right. The humans won't let them go easily. But she really needed to speak to the President. She and Whackoko were responsible for EVERYTHING.
Whackoko took out his sword and began battling, slaying every robot that charged at them fiercely like fireballs. But the sword was going blunt. 'Whacko, take this!' Alphabetta screamed, throwing her own sword to him.
'But what about you?' Whackoko asked.
'I'm alright!' Alphabetta screamed, 'I'll make a protective layer with my electric magical power!'
She sustained the layer as Whackoko destroyed the robots. But she was getting weak. She felt like collapsing. On the explosion of the last robot, she let go of the layer and lost consciousness.
'Alphabetta!' Whackoko cried, darting off to his friend. Made sure that she was alive, Whackoko took her and flew away from the land of danger.
So this, is how I lost my precious car. Mr Whackoko Forgetful, why didn't you even remember my flat tire???!!!

Your character is required to write a letter of introduction for your reader, describing themselves, their goals and motivations, and you.
Dear reader,
My name is Alphabetta. I came from Outer Trojan arm, Andromeda. I am about the equivalent of 12 years old human age. My companion for this mission is Whackoko Little, about 10 years human age. He got his name because he was really fun and wacky, and was a member of the miniature rainbow panda species. We are here to bring back to Trojan the Solar gem, to build a history of relationship and peace between Earth and our planet. It has always been my dream to connect my homeland to somewhere out there in this universe. Mayor President of the Outer Trojan Arm trusted me, and loved me liked his own daughter. He is my greatest motivation. Whenever I am in struggle and hardship, I would think about him, Whacko, my beautiful home planet, and its future with another beautiful planet - this one, the Earth. And yes. HappyGirl, my one and only and bestest ever human friend, is also a source of endless encouragement. We share the same interests and ambitions. I declare, that I will never forget her, no matter what. She is my friend always!
Alphabetta Gammadelta

Your character writes a letter to another friend or family member (or you!) about a friend.
Dear Alphabetta
I met an awesome friend today. He is sooooooo cool. He is the equivalent of Sweetagotchi to you.
His name is Kangaroo. But he's a wallaby. When the farmers who found and adopted him when he was a baby and left by his mother, they thought he was a kangaroo. I know it'll be waaaaaaay cooler to be friends with a kangaroo, but he's a wallaby who's cooooooler than a kangaroo!
Kangaroo is very smart and very fun. He taught me all you need to know about surviving in the Australian bush! That would helped a lot when I go on the reality show 'Survivors in Andromeda' when I grow up. I'm sooooooooo participating in that show! I can't wait!
See ya later

Ah, weird names.
I'm going to draw cartoons about them one day. Whackoko's gonna be really cute! And Alphabetta's gonna be really pretty!
C U later

1 comment:

bl-Irony-bl said...

wow lol I just read all about the crazy numbers haha.