Sunday, July 20, 2008


Noooooooooooooooooo! I forgot to update yesterday! Sorry sorry sorry sorry... (you: how many times are you gonna say sorry???...)
Update on today and yesterday:
Good things:
- a bunch of people have been coming to my house for a get-2gether 2night they're still here playing cards with my mum & dad (adults though, my parents' friends not mine :()
- My bud Mads & I have been emailing each other all weekend! We had so much fun ^_^
- My Tamagotchis evolved to children! Their names are Sun, Moon and Star. AND they'll be evolving to teenagers 2morrow! :) P.S. I adopted a Tama called Flower on Tamatalk too xD
- I'm not starting school 2morrow! LOL my school starts on the first Tues of the first 3 terms, so I'm starting the day after 2morrow :P
Bad stuff:
- I got told off on TamaTalk for advertising & this Blog... :( can't stand it, both aren't commercial sites so why isn't promoting allowed... my poor Karma...
- I haven't been hanging out with my BFF for the rest of this free week of my holliez... :( Instead I've been wasting my time in front of this computer... :(
- Still no one's commenting! If you can't comment cos you aren't a member, register to become one!
I guess I've g2g. C ya 2morrow!! ^_^

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