Monday, August 4, 2008

My Concerns About World Issues

Oh maaaaaan, I promised that I won't B posting 4 @ least a week but sooooooo much had been happening! ^_^ Last Friday I performed at the Premier Games Appeal Dinner in front of 1,100 (ALL VIPs apparently!!), and then... guess what??? A photo w/ Premier Mike Rann! I've always wanted 2 meet him. I want to ask him, how can we, as the new generation of South Australian citizens, make a difference in our world? See, there's just so many issues going on in the world. Just the number of environment issues are countless: Global warming, pollution, issues with water, reduced biodiversity (animals on the edge of extinction, trees being cut down), the booming population... the list goes on and on - and on. And there's the war issues. When will world peace truly arrive? And also poverty. So many die from poverty every year - in fact, one every second! Some families had to sell their children into slavery in order to survive, leading to the shuddering number of approximately 250 million child labourers in the world - that's 1 in 6 children. And there's crime, affecting almost every tiny corner of the planet. Diseases are also quite an issue, when you come to think about the number of people that are HIV positive - no cures found. And many who suffer from cancer need to also suffer the harsh treatment of chemotherapy. Let's just stop worrying about political conflicts and rising petrol prices, because we need to concentrate on helping the victims of the Myanmar Cyclone and China Earthquake restore their devastated homeland...
Ahh! Too many problems! I need to talk to someone!
So I found the new teacher at our school. She is kind of like a Christian Pastoral Support Worker's assistant. I told her about my worries.
Here is the question she asked:
'So what can you do to fix all of those problems?'
I looked up into the sky and didn't answer her. I pondered her question. Yes, what can I do? Just something simple, just attempt to fix ONE of those problems for a start! I can start by a simple donation to charity, and take it step by step. Ryan Hreljac started from raising 70 dollars from doing chores and now he has built numerous wells in Africa, and now many has benefited from his actions and has access to clean water.
What can YOU do?
Visit the below sites to find out more:


A message of motivation to improve our world from HappyGirl

1 comment:

Ashley Smith said...

There are many problems going on in the world and in the United States. To help allievate some of these isssues I could advocate matters by volunteering, writing letters to politicians, and donating money to various organizations.

In the past, I volunteered for the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)and at my church. I wrote letters to policitians to encourage to encourage them to put more money back into education. At church I watched the youth and gave money to different charities. This isn't much compared to all the problems in the world, but it's a start.
