Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back from the 40 Hour Famine!

Yo! I'm back from the technology shutdown! W00T!
Thx TT 4 commentin'. U have a cute Blog 2 :)
I've been out in the neighbourhood collecting donations all afternoon yesterday. It made me feel that I was doing something that MATTERS, something of value. As if I was being God, I thought, thinking about the chapel service at school last week. I met 2 other donation collectors on my way, I think they were doing it for animal shelter. Good luck 2 them :)
I haven't been playing with my Tamagotchis 4 ages, maybe U guys 4got that I do. They've been paused 4 ages. Oh yes, if u didn't know, Tamagotchis can be paused! That's 1 of the best functions they have, so u don't have 2 worry about them being confiscated by ur strictest T-chers who will sure b giving u F minus if that happens xD
Here is my friend KayKay's Blog!:



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