Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A summary of my identities on the web

Just wanted to make one to make it sure and clear to myself and others:
Blogger: HappyGirl (Help Group: Blogger account = HappyGirl)
TamaTalk: TamaSweetie (NonTT: Lol is 4 Lollipop)
MyJellybean: Rainbow Flower
GirlSpace: IcyCoolAngel101
TeenWrd: Sweet Intellectual
TeenHut: Blossom Magic
Wikipedia: Happy Happy Happy Me!
ARG!: Princess of the Planet
YouTube: Age13IQ500


HG, TS (L4L), RF, ICA101, SI, BM, HHHM!, Pot P, Age13IQ500 (I don't like to abbreviate my YouTube).

Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm back! :D

I didn't make a departure topic though...
I've been very, very during the school week and keeping up with the forums and websites I participate in. But still, Blogger is 1 of my all-time top fav sites eva! ^_^
And now that I'm back...
I don't know what to post... I'm still really during the school week, even though it's the last week of the term! Those wrong-minded teachers set me tons of summative tasks 2day! >.< How very very very not fair... I wish all the teachers @ my school are as nice as my Blogger friend TT... Soz, I'm just feeling contrary still... TIME 2 HIT THE FORUMS! :P

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

HappyGirl is Unhappy

Yeah. 4 the 1st time eva.
I'm tired and overworked and stressed. Anxious, worried, annoyed, frustrated, irritated... u name it.
There's just 2 much going on. My social life's all messed up. No1 hangs out w/me @ break time, & I walk around the skoolyard, looking like No.1 Loner.
I've had waaaaaaaaaay 2 much hwk.
Our class need 2 finish knitting our scarves nxt Fri. BUT I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED!!!
My violin exam's in Nov, but I haven't been practicing much, & now my scales r reeeeeeeeally bad!!!
Sorry. I just really need 2 get that off my chest :(

Love. Hope. Joy. Peace.

HG (in a contrary mood)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Meh new story

I'm thinking of starting work on a comic about the adventures of a young fish and her friends, collecting gems to defeat evil or something like that...
Flowercoral is a young girl, a colourful little tropical fish living in the Capricorn section of the Great Barrier Reef. When evil strikes, she was separated from her friends and family, and ended up escaping into the heart of the Barrier Reef, where evil has not yet reached and was still prosperous. On her journey there, Flowercoral met a little boy named Whoo Hoo, a plastic toy whale who was accidentally dumped into the ocean by his careless young owner. Flowercoral told Whoo Hoo the whole story, and they travelled together for their lives. During the journey, Flowercoral looked after the little ankle-biter like her own little brother. At the Cairns section of the reef, nobody believed what the two told them about the 'coming of evilness', and thought they were mad. A young mohawk rebel, Golden Retriever, thought that at the beginning as well, until on one occasion, discovered the secret of the Gems along with Flowercoral and Whoo Hoo. The three decided that it was their time to act. As Flowercoral and Goldie got to know each other better, the young girl began to feel affection for him. Motivated by the power of friendship, team spirit and the strong connection they had between one another, the trio sets out on an adventure, up the river deep into the Daintree, and out into the vastness of the Pacific to the East. But evilness looms... Will merely three kids be powerful enough to defeat such strong forces? What will happen to their homeland?...
Join the fun in A Tale of Two Fishies and a Toy Whale! ^_^

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fashion Girl

I love art, I love music, and of course I also love reading and writing and being the #1 fan of the Tamagotchi virtual pet! Did you notice anything I've missed??? Yep, you should know. The fashion spotlight belongs 2 me! ^_^ Style etc. are 1 of my cajillions of squazillions of #1 obsessions. By the way, I'm not a copycat who falls for what's hot in the latest teen magazines and what the celebrities are wearing - I get my fashion inspiration from my own imagination! Cute, fun, girly, pretty, colourful, unique... those are exactly the right words 2 describe my style. I'm really drawn to brightly coloured clothing and fun, cute patterns such as florals. My favourite fashion item is a multicoloured floral tank top. And I love wearing jeans, too - perfect 2 show off your style during the cold winter months! In late spring and summer, skirts are my thing. I have this really cute black-and-white polka dot mini my friend gave me, and it totally goes with my tank top and matching leggings. And there's this light, breezy blue denim knee-length skirt with small multicoloured florals embroidered around the edge that's perfect 4 accompanying a simple top. And as 4 shoes, I absolutely love pumps in spring & autumn, sandals in summer & comfy Uggs in winter!
Now I'm talking about casual wear. Guess what - social's coming up in less than 2 weeks! I might need 2 go shopping 2 work out what I need. A glamorous minidress, tights and heels/pumps sound like the perfect combo! Cya laters... right now, it's time 2 go! May God bless you and keep you - HG! ;)

Monday, September 8, 2008

My New Song



I will never ever give up

I will never ever forget

That I’ve promised to myself

I will never give up!

I will never ever give up

I’ll forever and ever remember

That I told myself, oh self

You will never give up!

Striving for my goals

Reaching for that brightest star

I will never give up

Just like an on-the-track racing car

I will never give up

I’ll try my best to reach my goals

Because I heard the Lord tell me

If I do so

I will reach them!


In dangers and difficulties

In trials and defeats

In obstacles, in wind and rain

I will never give up

Looking up towards the sky

A beam of golden sunshine

From the Lord, giving us hope

Breaking through the gaps between dark clouds


It's a song I've written. I know it doesn't have much rhyme or anything in it, it'll be a nice song once I've composed the music. Here's another one:

Welcome to a New Day

Last of the silver moonlight splashes into the window
As I see the morning star it's disappearing into where it should belong
I could see the eastern sky it's stained with red and purple
And then suddenly
A golden glow bursts out
And morning comes along----------

Morning welcome to a new day
The sun is shining, birds are singing
What's so brilliant is the sky!
Morning welcome to a new day
Never should you miss this sight -
And don't ask why-----------
'Cause you know why!

Cheers :D

Friday, September 5, 2008

Under the Sea

Source: http://www.hip2b2.com/news/human-gills-the-science-of-breathing
Edited using PAINT
I love the Sea


Beyond extremely ultimately indescribably frustrated. I just took 20 mins flossing... 4 teeth.

A bit more about me

Yo double post! xP

Now here's a bit more about me :D

My star sign: Aries

My favourite colour: blue (:D it has to be that bright kingfisher blue colour)

My favourite foods: Too many 2 count! Macca’s, fruit, chocolate (duh…), PARTY FOOD! :P

My nationality: Australian (Duh…), but I was born in China & came 2 Aus when I was 5.

My hair colour: emo black

My eye colour: deep, dark, rich chocolate brown

My best friend: C

My other best friends: S, M, K

What I want to say to you fine Bloggers: Cheer up, move on, life is but a wonderful story! Every minute of the day is full of possibilities! :-)


Lol. I just came back from getting braces ‘braced’ on my teeth! Lots of ppl said that braces hurt a lot, that it kills, that it’s pain and suffering until the day you get it off. And guess what?


@ least not 4 me :D

So, go off & have ur braces done, make ur teeth look straight & beauuuuuuuuutiful, & DON’T WORRY! It’s just another part of the excited/boring life you, me, & every1 else in the world is livin’ ;)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Passionate writers

Are you a passionate writer like me? I live to be creative. I love writing stories and poems - NOT essays! :D
Here's a poem I wrote for my English assignment. It is based on a scene from Shatterbelt by Colin Thiele:

Disaster Strikes

The young girl’s mind, shattering in the imminent shock,

Her thirteen-year-old heart, trembling in terror.

Tears and fears filled her eyes

As she came to know

That all her friends, her family

Will soon come to perish

If she does not act.

LUCEAT LUX VESTRA, the escutcheon read,

A flaming torch burning,

Letting its light shine.

She knew it,

It was her time

To let her light

Be seen.

The shadow lying halfway past the three strokes,

Perfectly profound

On the weathered face of the ancient clock

That used the glory of the Sun

To tell time.

A sense of warning swelled inside her, a horrifying feeling

That could choke her half to death.

So alert she was!

Her premonitions were true,

She must let them know –

Let them know!

She began her act of rescuing,

As her cries echoed through the hall

Into the ears of every participant of the busy school fete

With her voice struggling

In depths of despair.

But still,

All her struggle

Turned out to be

Useless vain.

Why don’t adults ever believe? She thought angrily,

Why not?

Why not?

The flow of time, ceasing at this very moment,

As everything

Fell silent,

As if all life had dropped dead, just then.

The barking of dogs, whinnying of horses

The many merry songs of life in the South Australian bush.

The faces of humans, ordinary humans

That were weak and weary against the fury of

Mother nature,

Turning to see,

Those unstable mountain ranges

Shivering to her mighty powers.

Here's a preview of my latest novel. I haven't started it yet, but here it goes:
The mission that sent a spacecraft to Barnard’s Star near the Solar System launched in 2063 to search for life forms proved significant results 94 years later, when Magnus, Oasis, Smash, Dusky and Peach, five spectacular extraterrestrial creatures found on a small planet orbiting the star, were brought to Earth, their new ‘home’ – captured by force, that was. They grew up suffering cruel experiments at a place known as the Institute, a world renowned centre researching alien and mutant life forms. Determined to rescue all the victims of the Institute from pain and death, and also to find a life of their own, the five courageously broke free from the Institute’s control despite the dangers that were lying ahead of their unstable futures. At young ages, the five must stand themselves up against monstrous evil casting dark shadows above and in front of them…

How d'ya like it?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Tumblr Blog

I started a new Blog. It's here: www.myblogontumblr.tumblr.com
How is it? Should I continue with it?
