Thursday, August 28, 2008

Awesome Book! :D

I found a very interesting novel at the library yesterday. It is the latest book in the Maximum Ride series, The Final Warning by James Patterson. I was absorbed just by looking at the blurb, and really wanna get started on it soon! :)
Max, Fang, Iggy, Gasman, Nudge and Angel are 6 avian hybrids created from a biotech experiment, making them 98% human and 2% bird. They have wings, and with them come the ability to fly. But that was not enough to protect them from being hunted, and they must struggle to escape for their lives on a daily basis. Max is the oldest, and is the leader of the flock and the one with the greatest responsibility. She is attracted to Fang, the second oldest, who is kind of a dark figure. Iggy is also 14 like both of them. Nudge is 11, Gasman is 8 (not to mention his superability to pass gas xD), and Angel, at the age of 6, is the baby of the flock. At such young ages they must fight the many challenges, obstacles and difficulties (same things???) destiny has set for them. I wonder what would happen to them, mmm...
Cool book, I recommend it! ^_^ I don't usually like science fiction, but for some reason this book just caught my eye...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Test post

Test post to try out font/size/colour.

Back with a NEW LOOK! :)

Hey there! Do you like the brand new template for my Blog? As you can see, the main theme is green, with hints of orange and blue throughout. I like the combination.
MORE artwork here! I've got a lot of interesting patterns this time. You may use them as backgrounds for your own artwork and/or websites. If you are to use any of those pictures, please give me credit in the name of HappyGirl, my account name. If you would like to verify the name/s of the picture/s you are using, they are as below:
Orange circles
Yellow stars
Green triangles
Red hearts
Blue diamonds
Violet crescents



Friday, August 22, 2008

Jokes Galore!

What's the difference between a golf player and a parachuter?
A golf player goes 'Thump! Damn!' while a parachuter goes 'Damn! Thump!'

LOL! :)

Another parachuting joke:
There were two blokes parachuting. At about 600 metres, the first guy opened up his parachute, and as he turned his head around he noticed that the other guy still didn't do so.
'Aren't you gonna open up your parachute?' he asked.
'Not yet,' replied the other guy.
They were 500 metres above the ground when the first guy asked again, 'Are you gonna open it now?'
400 metres, 'Now?'
300 metres...
200 metres...
100 metres...
'Gee whiz,' the first bloke sighed as he prepared for landing. When they were only 1 metre above the ground, he asked again, 'How about now?'
'Oh,' said the other one, 'I can jump from here.'


A farmer was going on and on and on about how much land he had on his farm. 'You see, it would take at least two days for me to drive around it!'
One of his guests replied sympathetically, 'I completely understand how you feel,' he said, 'I used to have such a slow car as well.'


A woman was driving down the road to the Gold Coast for Movie World.
There was a sign by the highway that said 'MOVIE WORLD LEFT'.
So she turned her car around and drove back to Brisbane.


At the local community school, the lost-and-found centre.
'Hey, did you find a lunch box?'
'Here's all the lunchboxes we have. Hmm, let's see... this one's little Benny's, this one must belong to that big fat prefect...'
'Hey, do you know who I am, lil' junior?'
'The so-called big fat prefect.'
'Well, d'ya know who I am?'
'Well, that's a relief.'


In biology class, the relief teacher was giving the students a test. As the teacher on leave had instructed, she had a bird in a covered cage with only its legs showing, and the students' challenge was to decipher the species of the bird by that feature. One of them had spent all his time on his PS2 that he was forgetting about studying completely, and had no idea, so he handed up his test blank.
The bell rang, and just as the student was about to leave, the teacher noticed that his sheet was blank. 'Hey,' she called, 'Who is this one who didn't do any studying?'
Everyone was staring at him - they all knew that it must have been him.
'You,' snapped the teacher, 'What is your name?'
The student sat down on the floor, rolled his pants up to show his legs, and shouted angrily, 'Guess!'


Why is the person sitting there eating breakfast a serial killer?
Killin' all the cornflakes, man!


More jokes? Put 'em in your comments!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back from the 40 Hour Famine!

Yo! I'm back from the technology shutdown! W00T!
Thx TT 4 commentin'. U have a cute Blog 2 :)
I've been out in the neighbourhood collecting donations all afternoon yesterday. It made me feel that I was doing something that MATTERS, something of value. As if I was being God, I thought, thinking about the chapel service at school last week. I met 2 other donation collectors on my way, I think they were doing it for animal shelter. Good luck 2 them :)
I haven't been playing with my Tamagotchis 4 ages, maybe U guys 4got that I do. They've been paused 4 ages. Oh yes, if u didn't know, Tamagotchis can be paused! That's 1 of the best functions they have, so u don't have 2 worry about them being confiscated by ur strictest T-chers who will sure b giving u F minus if that happens xD
Here is my friend KayKay's Blog!:



Monday, August 11, 2008

Boycotting the Olympic Games?

Click here.
I think this is just HILARIOUSLY wrong. Stopping the Olympics isn't gonna help AT ALL with the issues in Burma, maaaaaaan.
What do ya think?
Click here for the most paranoid news ever! They were saying that the world was going to end last Sat! LOL xD jkz.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

MORE pics! Credits to Sample Pics Creator xD

The Awakening of Dawn
Midnight in the Arctic Circle
Midsummer, Midday, Mid-Pond
New Year, New Hope

New pics 2 come!
Credits go to the creator/s of the sample pictures saved in My Pictures folder on my file!
I have edited them 2 make them unique :)
Plz comment! ^_^

Saturday, August 9, 2008


The Olympics opening ceremony wuz SOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOL!!! lol xD

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Olympic Games! YAY!

Get ready 4 the Olympics SHOWDOWN!
For the next 16 days, all eyes of the world will be fixed squarely on Beijing, the host city of the 2008 Olympics, the capital city of my motherland, my home country - China.
What do you think of when you hear the words 'Olympic Games'? Is it the athletes' aims to be Faster, Higher, Stronger? Is it the goals to pursue team and national glory? Or is it the unbreakable, constant and everlasting friendship of all countries in our world that sustains our persistence to work together towards World Peace?
Those words are exactly what the Olympics are for.
For love, hope, joy and peace are the keywords to the ultimate dream that is stated in 'One World, One Dream'.
Pray for them and our World in your sweet dreams tonight that anticipates the next morning and the bright futures.
Enjoy life and have a great time living it. :)



P.S. Plz scroll down 2 the bottom of the page

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Splash of Colour From A Fan of Art!

Hi!!!!!!!! Did I just surprise you with the splash of colour? Did you know I'm a HUGE fan of art? Well there you go! Not really THAT good quality, I can do better w/ my hands xD 1 of them are in TamaTalk's photo album :) You should be able 2 guess which one.

Monday, August 4, 2008

My Concerns About World Issues

Oh maaaaaan, I promised that I won't B posting 4 @ least a week but sooooooo much had been happening! ^_^ Last Friday I performed at the Premier Games Appeal Dinner in front of 1,100 (ALL VIPs apparently!!), and then... guess what??? A photo w/ Premier Mike Rann! I've always wanted 2 meet him. I want to ask him, how can we, as the new generation of South Australian citizens, make a difference in our world? See, there's just so many issues going on in the world. Just the number of environment issues are countless: Global warming, pollution, issues with water, reduced biodiversity (animals on the edge of extinction, trees being cut down), the booming population... the list goes on and on - and on. And there's the war issues. When will world peace truly arrive? And also poverty. So many die from poverty every year - in fact, one every second! Some families had to sell their children into slavery in order to survive, leading to the shuddering number of approximately 250 million child labourers in the world - that's 1 in 6 children. And there's crime, affecting almost every tiny corner of the planet. Diseases are also quite an issue, when you come to think about the number of people that are HIV positive - no cures found. And many who suffer from cancer need to also suffer the harsh treatment of chemotherapy. Let's just stop worrying about political conflicts and rising petrol prices, because we need to concentrate on helping the victims of the Myanmar Cyclone and China Earthquake restore their devastated homeland...
Ahh! Too many problems! I need to talk to someone!
So I found the new teacher at our school. She is kind of like a Christian Pastoral Support Worker's assistant. I told her about my worries.
Here is the question she asked:
'So what can you do to fix all of those problems?'
I looked up into the sky and didn't answer her. I pondered her question. Yes, what can I do? Just something simple, just attempt to fix ONE of those problems for a start! I can start by a simple donation to charity, and take it step by step. Ryan Hreljac started from raising 70 dollars from doing chores and now he has built numerous wells in Africa, and now many has benefited from his actions and has access to clean water.
What can YOU do?
Visit the below sites to find out more:


A message of motivation to improve our world from HappyGirl