Saturday, October 25, 2008

I'm a Winner!

QUOTE (Myself on chat boards)
I've had an idea... maybe we can create a slideshow of images of the website and put it on YouTube or something! Howzat 4 one? I've searched that site. The YouTube ppl have no idea who we are... except me, probably. If we really wanna get famous, we need to be advertising ourselves on the sites that everybody knows about! I mean, Facebook is a great start!

QUOTE (Jellybean)
Hey there -

I think a YouTube video is a great idea. Actually we've taken this idea and we're going to run a series of contests about it, to get lots of videos submitted! The first part of the contest will launch today, so watch the General board for a sticky post about it later today - and we'll advertise it on the contests page of our main site too.

Hope everyone on the street team can enter the contest - and thanks a ZILLION for the awesome idea!!!!

Rainbow Flower - you are officially the Street Team Contest winner for October, for submitting this idea!!!!!!!!

Jb xo

GO ME!!! 8D

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